Shop FAQs
Here are frequently asked questions for shop.


Here are details about faqs

  • How do I close my account?

    You can close/disable your seller account through your own dashboard or alternatively email [email protected] and we will close it for you.

    Please note: There is a £5 fee to rejoin

  • How Do I Add Postage Fees?

    We like to offer our customer Free Delivery - Please add your postage fees to your buy it now prices.

  • Can I sell an item that features profanity?

    Yes, but please refrain from using the language in your item tags and titles.

  • Unfulfilled Order
    If you are unable to fulfill an order, then your account may be suspended, there is a £5 charge to set your account active again.
  • How are we paid?
    Once you have fulfilled your order, please update your seller account, this then notifies Made In Cymru to make your payment, usually within 24 hours.
  • Can I advertise my own website?
    Unfortunately not, this would be counter productive on what we are trying to achieve here at Made in Cymru.